Labels:daily | earth | encyclical | fence | grandstand | road | rock | sky | stairs OCR: ontinued! But I have known the srdor my first love hat hour since lons intervals of many lifel less and un hallow returns of peace and joy in dar kIless interrupted by shoi he lieving. and appre hensive for We lfare My physician, ever watchf transition from despair to joy SEM now alarmed lest the 12y. But "the Lord SEM should term inate ina fatal Illy salvstion." I said and ITV song and are the works of the Lord: he has shall not die, but live, and en me over unto death. give chastened me sore, but not nercy endureth than. unto the Lord. for hi: e satisfied. and scquiesced In short time ardor long tervals laly life teturns beace interruptec despsir ITly become desth hastened ureth